Knowing how the crane system will be supported is another important question to ask yourself. Here at Kundel we have different approches toward floor mounted systems and ceiling supported systems. Let's tackle each one individually.
Ceiling Supported
Ceiling supported systems are nice if you lack room on the floor and have the capablility to hang from the ceiling. Three questions that arise while quoting a ceiling hung system are:
1) What are you hanging from?
2) How high is the ceiling?
3) Is there anything in the way of crane travel?
We carry ceiling hangers for just about any application on the market. The first question is important because we have to know which hanger to supply (By the way, if you need a speacial hanger, we will make it). The second question is important because we need to know how far down to drop the crane from the ceiling. Finally, air conditioers, piping, tools, garage doors, etc, are all things that end up getting in the way of crane travel. If there is something that is going to be in the way, we need to know. In most cases, simply highering or lowering the hanging rod will get us around the obstruction. Below you will see a picture of one of our Hybrids. This gives you a good sense of both the ceiling supported system and the floor mounted system. Yes, Kundel manufactures hybrids as well.