There are three ways to support a Kundel Crane system. We will now discuss what is called a "free standing" system. When we use the term "free standing," we are referring to crane system supported by posts. Most Kundel cranes manufactured are supported in this manner. Each post stands erect. At the top of each post extends an arm which holds the runway. The runway is connected using a ball and socket joint. Much like the same concept of how your arm connects to your shoulder. We refer to this connection as the Internal Balance Mechanism. The IBM allows for the runways to pendulate (Pendulation will be discussed later). The IBM also guarantees the crane lays parallel with the ground.
Kundel posts have a solid weld design and fully adjustable from top to bottom. Not only is each post custom designed to meet customer requirements, each post is able to stand freely anywhere along the runway section. Most cranes and crane manufactures do not offer the capability to "place" posts. Meaning if there is a machine in the way, or if a post need moved down to make room for something else, you are out of luck. Kundel understands the value of floorspace, which is why we have incorporated something called versatility into every one of our posts.
Kundel Floorplate