Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ceiling or Floor (how to quote a crane system)

Ceiling or floor refers to how the customer wishes to support their crane system. In the most basic sense, there are two types of supports - ceiling or floor (advanced applications might require a hybrid of both, but we'll get to that).

There are major differences between a ceiling mounted system and a floor mounted system (free-standing we call it). For one, a ceiling mounted system does not require posts. This means the manufacture doesn't need to make posts if the quote becomes a sale... i.e. saves the customer lots of $$. A free-standing system requires posts and I would estimate 80% of all systems we sell are free standing.

Trolley eye height is also another factor when it comes to a ceiling or free standing system. With a ceiling hung system, the trolley eye height is achieved by coming down from the ceiling (this is pretty easy and there is a lot of room for adjustment [assuming there is a high ceiling] - which can be done by the customer).

On the other hand, a free standing system trolley eye height is achieved by coming up from the ground. Not a lot of room for adjustment so make sure you get a pretty accurate trolley eye height.

Let me know if this was helpful - kind of confusing, but that's probably thanks to my writing style.

Read more @…a-crane-system/